• Product
  • Micro Bubble Shower

Micro Bubble Shower We provide trust and satisfaction with the best of technology and quality

Anion effect

  • Anion is omnipresent around forests, waterfalls, fields, park fountain, and seashores, and people coming in contact with this piece of natures senses freshness and rest.
  • Anion provides its electrons to free radicals to inhibit de-oxidation of cells and over-production of the lethal free radicals. (Actively promotes health sustainment activities)
  • Anion purifies the human blood, and turns the acidifying blood into a weak alkaline. (Activates body metabolism and activates cell functions to promote fatigue recovery)
  • The deoxidizing, deodorizing and sterilizing functions of anion prolong the freshness of fish, flowers, etc. Anion is the vitamin of the air.